are grapes low fodmap

Are Grapes Low FODMAP?

What is Low FODMAP? Are Grapes Low FODMAP?

First, let’s review what makes a food low or high FODMAP. 

Many people wonder, are grapes low FODMAP? Let’s explore that question.

FODMAPs are carbohydrates, specifically sugars and fibers, that are naturally found in a variety of foods. They are not good or bad, they just kind of are. When you have IBS, you may feel the effects of eating high FODMAP foods. Symptoms include gas, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea and/or constipation. 

Monash University is our go to source when it comes to testing FODMAPs. They are frequently testing (and retesting) common foods to find out what levels of FODMAPs they might contain. While you are in the elimination phase of the Low FODMAP diet, you want to stick to Low FODMAP serving sizes. Once you move into the reintroduction (or challenge) phase, you are testing moderate and high FODMAP servings of various foods. 

Portion size explanation

FODMAPs are all about the portion size. This can often connect the dots for people when it comes to why a food bothers one day, but not the next (bigger vs. smaller portions), but it can also be frustrating having to be careful. This is one of the reasons that I highly recommend getting the Monash app, as opposed to relying on possibly outdated FODMAP lists. It gives you more variety and flexibility in the diet, albeit with a little extra work. 

Check out my post the Beginner’s Guide to the Low FODMAP Diet for more info!

Has Monash tested grapes?

They sure have! After initially being labeled a “FODMAP free” food, they were retested in 2021 and found to actually be high in FODMAPs! Check out my viral Reel from 2021 here

What fodmap do grapes contain?

Fructose. There is a low, moderate and high FODMAP serving size for both red and green/white seedless grapes. Other varieties, like Concord and Cotton Candy, have not been tested. They are likely to also be high in fructose, so I would recommend avoiding them during the elimination phase of the diet. 

What are the nutrition benefits of grapes?

Grapes are a great source of antioxidants, specifically anthocyanins and resveratrol. While they don’t contain a lot of fiber per cup, they are made up of over 80% water so they can aid in your hydration goals!

How to include grapes in your Low FODMAP diet

Welp, I don’t have a great answer for you here. The low fodmap serving size of both red and green/white grapes is…2. That’s right, 2 grapes. I would say if you really love/miss grapes, then you can technically have two per meal (because FODMAPs are per meal, but per day). Or, you can enjoy two if you’re having a fruit salad or out at an event that’s serving fruit salad. 

Links to recipes/products

This is usually the part where I link different Low FODMAP recipes and products containing our highlighted ingredients. Instead, I’m going to recommend you be wary of any recipes that are using grapes in the recipe. Ninety-nine percent of the time, I’m going based off of information from Monash University, their app and my knowledge/training from them. There is a discrepancy with type of grapes, portion sizes and even type of FODMAP between Monash and FODMAP Friendly. 

My thoughts on this are that this diet is confusing enough. Adding in more than one testing source (with drastically different outcomes) makes it even harder. My recommendation is to avoid grapes during the elimination phase of the diet if you are brand new to this. If you have already done the three phases of the diet and had NO issues with grapes, don’t make any changes. If you always suspected grapes were an issue, well now you may have some validation. 

Are you looking for help getting started with the Low FODMAP diet? Try out my evidenced based 7 Day Low FODMAP Meal Plan!

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